Prof. Dr. David B. Oppenheimer in Gender and Law in Practice and Education International Congress.
We are honored to announce that David B. Oppenheimer will be a speaker at our congress.
David B. Oppenheimer is a Clinical Professor of Law, the Director of the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law, and the Faculty Co-Director of the Pro Bono Program at Berkeley Law. He was the founding director of the Berkeley Law Employment Discrimination Law Clinic. He is the author of numerous books, book chapters, web courses and articles on anti-discrimination law, comparative equality law and civil rights history, and has lectured on anti-discrimination law at scores of universities around the world. Professor Oppenheimer has litigated sexual harassment, pay equity and other forms of sex discrimination cases, as well as cases of race discrimination, ethnicity discrimination, disability discrimination, religious discrimination, and age discrimination, and has filed amicus curie briefs in the California, United States and Japanese Supreme Courts. He earned a juris doctor degree from Harvard University. He is a member of the California and United States Supreme Court bars, and the American Law Institute.
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