Feminist Approaches to Law – Theoretical and Historical Insights, offers the background theoretical and historical analysis for the book series Gender Perspectives in Law. The book contains papers witnessing different impacts of feminist political and legal theories, as well as critical legal studies. The ongoing issue of defining gender, for example, is a recurring theme in the texts. There are papers that question the binary basis of the gender issue and the notion of gender as such. Others start from the binary dichotomy and attempt to expand the consideration toward a multi-dimensional understanding of gender identities. The main focus is feminist reconsideration of all relevant fields of legal knowledge. The primary aim is to demystify the seemingly neutral character of legal norms and legal knowledge and highlight the power relations at different layers, beginning with male and female legal subjects of Western heredity (in terms of culture, ethnicity, and race), then moving on to different needs and power relations among female persons of different races and classes, and finally moving on to differentiating gender relations and identities beyond the framework of the women–men binary dichotomous codification, i.e. also taking into consideration the multiple options of intersex, transgender, queering, etc.